
Hardspace: Shipbreaker hands-on video | PC Gamer - wisdomaboaccon

Hands-on: Hardspace: Shipbreaker is about the dangerous work of stinging up spaceships

I didn't even know I wanted a game about cutting up derelict spaceships for parts until I heard there was one. And now that I've played a brief demonstrate of it, I'm eager for more. It's called Hardspace: Shipbreaker, a best-person spaceship-salvaging game from developer Blackbird Interactive, the common people behind Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. Check kayoed some TV above or here on YouTube.

In Hardspace: Shipbreaker, you'Ra a Cutter—basically, a blue-collar worker at a space base in orbit roughly Earth. You've gone unsounded into debt to get this job for a company called Lynx, a massive send off-salvaging corporation. At the get down of the game you already owe Lynx about a billion credits, and now you'll straight off you'll need to slowly chip by at that debt by bidding on salvage jobs, hoping to strip these decommissioned spaceships for valuable parts, cutting out every stopping point fleck of worthwhile equipment and material and indeed you can deposit them into your salvage barge and get paid. Some economy, eh?

It's non as simple as sportsmanlike floating to the side of the embark and cutting your way in—ships own violent outer shells, so you'll need to mostly knead from the inside by entering through an air lock or hatch. Then you'll look for vulnerable areas to start carving—it's almost like you're damaged an onion from the center. It's just non efficient or tardily to pull every salvageable particular out the ship's airlock, so you'll want to create access points past stripping departed panels of the hull from the inside to create an high-octane path to haul unsuccessful your salvage.

(Image credit: Blackbird Interactive)

You're got few tools at your disposal, like the tether, which you can use to pull yourself through quad—though don't pull yourself too quickly or you might get hurt or damage your place suit, every bit I routinely did. I was happy to see that Shipbreaker has a sense of humor in this way, unlike so many games in the neighborhood of the simulation genre. Subsequently great my brain against a ships hull, a crack appeared in my facemask and my radio suddenly began picking improving country medicine until my character thumped his helmet with his handwriting to get back on the Cutter radio frequency.

The Lynx Corporation has a copy of your DNA happening file and then they'll quickly produce a clone of you, thusly you can continue functional

You crapper also pull along free-unsettled objects around with your your tether tool, push objects away from you, and link floating objects together to pull them slowly down into your salvage lighter below the ship. Other items and materials can be federal official into your furnace or processor exploitation your leash tool to earn extra cash in on.

Your upgradable scanner can give you a look at the inner workings of the send—cuttable joints, secret areas, and valuable objects, so you rump come up with a plan for your save to wreak your haul around the heavy, unbreakable beams that form the send on's skeletal frame. These ships are procedurally generated, so you'll encounter different configurations straight if you'Re disassembling the same class of ship. The demo I played only had a single ship, though the developers showed me examples of bigger ships the game will feature. Some of them are quite big, and will submit hours of provident cutting to save everything.

The cutter tool is fun to use, a plasm beam that you can use for slicing and dicing through joints and weak metal panels. As you might anticipate, floating around in zero G and slicing up a starship with a handheld optical maser can be extremely risky. Ships have fire lines and coolant lines, and if you cut them by accident thither will be explosive consequences. If the ship is still pressurized and filled with oxygen, fires can start and spread. Coolant leaks terminate freeze down valuable materials and cause them to shatter. Sudden ship decompression can cause items to fly off into space before you can cash them in. Explosions and string reactions can pull up stakes your hopes of salvage in utter ruins.

And you canful die in any number of slipway: from explosions, fires, coolant leaks, fast-moving physics objects, and a lack of oxygen. But this isn't a roguelike, don't trouble: The Lynx Corporation has a copy of your DNA on file sol they'll quickly produce a clon of you, so you can continue working—but they'll charge you for that ringer which leave eat into your profits. I died single times during the present, though it was usually while laughing because I'd gotten sloppy with my cutting or forgotten a ship was pressurized while hacking a panel prohibited of the hull. I also forgot to hold open an eye on my oxygen a few times and had to make a mad, zero G dash to steal some (yes, Lynx leave tied commission you for spare oxygen) from my divine service hub on the blank space station.

(Image credit: Blackbird Interactive)

The heart of any ship is the nuclear reactor, and formerly you've punctured it free you'll need to bi quickly to save it. You can't bring fort besides close to information technology or you'll take hurt, and you posterior't take also eternal to depository it into your barge before the nuclear reactor goes critical. Fundamentally it's equal carrying a lighted stick of dynamite direct a nitroglycerin factory. In zero G. It's pretty harrowing and satisfying when you pull information technology off.

Equipment and parts aren't the simply affair you'll find inside spaceships—around of these of the vessels have been working in our star system but some have come from more than, much further out in walk-in place. While you'ray cutting and salvaging, you can collect different data drives, decrypt them, and learn more about the ships you'Ra salvaging every bit well as fragments of lore active the Hardspace universe.

I bid the demo was longer, but the small taste of Shipbreaker I got successful me hungry for more. Even on the small demo ship, there are several different approaches to salvaging and I experienced a issue of contrastive entertaining disasters. I'm look forward to tackling bigger and more complex ships and salvage missions (and working turned my debt to Lynx), and I can't wait to learn more about the game, particularly how the progression system volition act on the far side the upgrading of equipment. What happens when (if) I pass out of debt? What's my ultimate finish, and what's the reward for reach it?

Hardspace: Shipbreaker is published by Focus Home Reciprocal, and will be coming to Steam Early Access sometime this summer. In that respect will also be a playable demo at PAX East at the end of February, soh comprise sure to check IT out if you're preparation to attend.

Christopher Livingston

Chris started performin PC games in the 1980s, started piece of writing about them in the early 2000s, and (lastly) started acquiring paid to compose about them in the of late 2000s. Following a few years equally a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he'd stop emailing them interrogative for more work. Chris has a love-hate relationship with survival games and an tumescent fascination with the intrinsic lives of NPCs. Atomic number 2's also a devotee of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can pay back his own.


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