
Can You Solve For X In Excel

How to Solve an Equation in Excel

Huis , Posts by Hui - 30 comments

This week at the Chandoo,org Forums, Usman asked,

" I have a bend. I did its plumbing fixtures using Excel and got an equation.

y = 2E+07x^-2.146

For y=sixty what will be the value of ten?

How can nosotros solve this equation using Excel? "

Lets wait at how this tin exist solved using Excel.

Define the Problem

Usman formula is y = 2E+07x^-ii.146

or expanded y = 2*10^7*10^-2.146

Nosotros can use Excel'due south Goal Seek function to assist us here

Goal Seek is located in the Information, What-If Assay, Goal Seek menu


Goal Seek is an inbuilt function in Excel that searches for a solution to a model/formula past iteratively trying source cell values until a solution is establish.

Before we starting time, Excel doesn't understand the concepts of x and y, but nosotros tin use cells for these instead

To use Goal Seek we demand to put our formula into a cell.

Start a new file and in C3 (our y prison cell) type:  = 2*10^7*B3^-two.146

In B3 (our ten prison cell): Put a value say 10


Note that C3 volition show the solution of the formula for when x=x or = 2*x^7*10^-2.146 = 142,899.277


Using Goal Seek

To use Goal Seek to find what value of x (B3) will result in y (C3) = 60,

Select C3

Goto the Information, What-If Analysis, Goal Seek card


Ready Prison cell: C3  – This is our y value jail cell

To value: lx  This is the value we want to attain

By changing prison cell: B3 – This is our x value cell

Click OK when gear up


Excel shows us that information technology has found a solution and that y (C3) =lx when x (B3) = 374.60

Select OK to save the upshot

Select Cancel to return to the previous value

Y'all tin download a sample of the above hither: Download Sample File

How have y'all solved Formulas using Excel or other techniques

How accept you lot solved Formulas using Excel or other techniques?

Let us know in the comments beneath:

Learn more well-nigh Goal seek and solver:

  • Introduction to Goal seek and building a retirement agenda
  • Introduction to Solver
  • Using solver to assign items to buckets

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