
How To Separate Last And First Name In Excel


Excel Dissever or Opposite Starting time Terminal Names

Quickly split first and last names into separate cells, with Excel tricks or formulas. See how to reverse order of names, from "Smith, Mary" to "Mary Smith", by using the MID function.

Carve up Comma-Separated Names

In cavalcade A, in that location is a listing of names, with the final proper noun, followed by a command, so the first proper name(due south). A quick way to split the names, and split up them into two separate columns, is to utilise the Text to Columns feature.

Notation: This list is in a named Excel Table. You can follow the same steps for a regular list on a worksheet.

full name in cell

Remove Space After Comma

Before splitting the names into divide cells, follow these steps, to remove the space after the comma. Otherwise, a space will announced earlier the first name, when it is sent to its own column. It would accept extra steps to clean information technology up in that cell.

Before you begin, make a backup copy of the worksheet, or the workbook, only to exist safety.

  • Select the cells that incorporate the names -- A2:A6 in this example
  • To open the Replace window, press Ctrl + H
  • In the Find What box, type a comma, followed by a space character
  • In the Supervene upon With box, type a comma
  • Click Supplant All, and so click OK, in the confirmation message
  • Click the Shut push button.

Text to Columns wizard step 2

Separate the Names

Next, nosotros'll use the Text to Columns characteristic to split the cell contents into separate columns, based on the position of the comma..

  • Select the cells that contain the names -- A2:A6 in this instance
  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab
  • In the Information Tools group, clck the Text to Columns command.

Text to Columns command

  • In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, Step 1 of three, select the Delimited pick, and so click Next

Text to Columns wizard step 1

  • In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, Step ii of 3, add a check mark to the Comma delimiter, and remove any other check marks

Text to Columns wizard step 2

In the Data preview window, you can see where the names will dissever. Because we removed the space after the comma, there is no space character before the beginning names.

Text to Columns wizard step 2 preview

If we hadn't removed the space after the comma, yous would see a infinite graphic symbol before each of the first names.

Text to Columns wizard step 2 preview space

  • For this data, there is no need to go to Footstep 3, where you tin can set the data format for each column, or marker columns that should non be imported, so yous can click the Finish button in Footstep 2.

Text to Columns wizard step 2 finish

On the worksheet, the final names are in cavalcade A, and the first names have moved to column B.. Because the list is a formatted Excel table, a new cavalcade was automatically added to the table, with the default heading, "Column1".

names in saparate columns

  • To consummate the name split, change the column headings, to Last Name and First Proper name..

change column headings

Reverse Start & Terminal Names - Wink Fill

In column A, there is a list of names, with the concluding name, followed by a command, and then the first proper name(south). In Excel 2013, and later versions, you lot can use the Flash Fill feature, to quickly opposite the order of the names, to show the kickoff name, then a space, and then the concluding name.

To utilize Flash Fill up, type a couple of names to go started, or use the Flash Make full shortcut.

NOTE: This is a static set -- the reversed names are not linked to the original names, and volition not update if the full name is inverse. For a dynamic fix, use the Contrary Names formula, in the next section

full name in cell

Type the Beginning Proper noun

  • Blazon a heading -- FirstLast -- in cell B1
  • In cell B2, type the reversed proper noun from prison cell A2 -- Mary Smith -- then printing Enter

type first name and last name

  • In cell B3, begin typing the reversed name from cell A3 -- Lou Jones

Equally you type, the Flash Fill feature detects a pattern, and fills in the remaining cells, based on that pattern. The list is in a lite font color.

flash fill completes the list

  • To accept the Wink Fill items, printing the Enter fundamental.

flash fill completes the list

The suggested items are entered in the remaining cells, and the font changes to a dark colour.

Flash Fill Shortcut

Cheers to Karen Roem, who sent these steps for using the Flash Fill Shortcut - Ctrl + Eastward.

TIP: The aforementioned shortcut works to Flash Fill other changes, such equally irresolute text example to Proper, UPPER or lower.

Flash Fill - Static Set up

Remember: This is a static fix -- the reversed names are not linked to the original names, and will not update if the total name is inverse, or if new names are added. For a dynamic fix, use the Contrary Names formula, in the next section.

flash fill list does not update

Video: Wink Fill Shortcut

In this short video, Sarah shows how to separate data from one cell, into multiple columns, using the Flash Fill Shortcut - Ctrl+Eastward

Reverse Outset & Last Names - Formula

You tin also contrary get-go and last names with a Microsoft Excel formula.

  • In column A, there is a listing of names, with the last proper noun, followed past a comma, and then the first name(s).
  • In cavalcade B, you'll use a formula to reverse social club of the names, to show the commencement name, then a infinite, so the last name.

Using 1 of the following formulas creates a dynamic set, instead of a i-time solution. The formula results will update immediately, if the full name in column A is inverse.

full name in cell

Use a Short Formula or Long Formula

In that location are two formulas shown below, to contrary the full names shown in the screen shot to a higher place:

  • Short formula - reverses names past searching for a space. This is the more efficient solution.
  • Long formula - reverses names by searching for a comma. This is an older formula, and yous might run across it in Excel workbooks that y'all inherited, and y'all want to understand how it works.

Reverse Offset & Final Names - Short Formula

This video shows the steps to create a short formula, and there are written steps below the video.

Note: There is also a longer formula, in the next section.

Contrary Names - Short Formula

In column A, there is a list of names, with the last name, followed by a comma, and and so the start proper noun(s).

full name in cell

Follow these steps to create a formula to contrary commencement and last names:

  • In cell B1, type a heading - Name FirstLast
  • Press Enter, and the named table volition expand to include column B
  • In cell B2, type this formula:
  • =MID(A2&" "&A2,Observe(", ",A2)+2,LEN(A2)-ane)
    • Note: Jail cell references (A2) were used, for simplicity. To use table references instead, replace each A2 with [@[Full Name]]
  • The formula automatically fills downward to the last row in the table.

first and last names reversed

How the Formula Works

The formula uses the MID office, which has 3 arguments (text, start_num, num_char)

Text: The & operators join two copies of the total proper name, with a space between them

Smith, Mary Smith, Mary

Start_Num: FIND function returns the position number of the comma-space, and 2 is added to that number. In this example, the comma is the 6th grapheme, so the Start_Num is eight (6+two)

Num_Char: LEN part returns the number of characters in the full proper noun. The comma will not exist in the reversed proper name, so i is subtracted from the length. In this instance, the length is 11, and then the Num_Char is ten (11-1)

Issue - In cell B2, the result is Mary Smith.

It starts at the 8th graphic symbol of "Smith, Mary Smith, Mary", and returns ten characters.

how the short formula works

Opposite Names - Long Formula

Some other way to opposite names from "Smith, Mary" to "Mary Smith", is by using a long formula, with the Correct, LEN, SEARCH and LEFT functions. This video shows how to build the long formula, and there are written steps, and the full video transcript, below the video.

NOTE: I prefer to apply the shorter formula at present, shown in the previous department. I left this formula here, in case you saw it used somewhere, and want to understand how the longer formula works.

Opposite Names - Long Formula

This long formula reverses names by searching for the comma, and it can exist used for last names that are i give-and-take, or multiple words with a space grapheme.

This list in this example is a named Excel Table, so the formulas will accept field references, such as [@[Full Proper noun]]. For a regular list on a worksheet, use cell references, such every bit A2, instead of field references.

=Right(A2,LEN(A2) - (SEARCH(",",A2,1) + i)) & " " & LEFT(A2,SEARCH(",",A2,1) -1)

Find the Comma

First, we'll use the SEARCH function, to locate the comma. That will tell us where to split the names.

  • In cell B1, type a heading for the cavalcade: Name FirstLast
  • In prison cell B2, type the starting time function of the formula, which volition find the comma:

=SEARCH(",",[@[Full Proper name]],1)

  • Printing Enter, to consummate the formula

Because the listing is in a named Excel table, the formula volition automatically fill down to the last row in the table.

The formula result shows the position of the comma in each name, with six as the issue in jail cell B2

full name in cell

Get the Terminal Name

The last name is to the left of the comma, so nosotros'll use the LEFT function to excerpt that text from the full name.

  • In cell B2, add "-i" at the end of the formula, considering we don't desire to include the comma as part of the last name

=SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],one) -one

That number can be used as the length, for the LEFT function.

  • In cell B2, click after the = in the formula, and type LEFT(

=LEFT( SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],i) -one

  • The offset argument of the LEFT role is text, then click on cell A2 -- that is the jail cell with the text that you want to pull the cord from. The field reference will be added to the formula.

=LEFT([@[Full Name]],SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],1) -1

  • At the cease of the formula, type a closing bracket ) , and printing Enter.

=LEFT([@[Total Name]],SEARCH(",",[@[Full Proper noun]],1) -1 )

The revised formula will automatically fill down, and show the last proper name from each full name.

last name in cell

Add a Space Character

There should be a infinite grapheme between the first and last names, then we'll add one, in front of the final proper name.

  • In cell B2, click after the = and type a space graphic symbol, inside double quotes, followed by an ampersand, then printing Enter

=" " & LEFT([@[Total Name]],SEARCH(",",[@[Total Proper noun]],1) -one )

Now you can see a space character before each of the final names.

last name in cell with space

Start the First Proper noun

The outset proper noun is at the right of the full name, so nosotros'll use the RIGHT function to pull the text. Later, we will calculate the verbal number of characters in the first name, but we'll temporarily use a set number of characters -- 4.

  • In jail cell B2, click after the = in the formula, and type Right(

=Correct( " " & LEFT([@[Full Name]],SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],1) -1)

  • The first argument of the Correct function is text, so click on cell A2 -- that is the cell with the text that you want to pull the cord from. The field reference volition be added to the formula.

=RIGHT([@[Total Proper name]] " " & LEFT([@[Full Proper noun]],SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],1) -one)

  • Next, blazon a comma, then 4 as the number of charcters to pull

=RIGHT([@[Full Proper name]],iv " " & LEFT([@[Total Name]],SEARCH(",",[@[Total Name]],1) -1)

  • Type a closing subclass for the RIGHT function, and type an ampersand, to join the first name to the infinite character and the last name, and printing Enter

=RIGHT([@[Full Name]],4) & " " & LEFT([@[Full Proper noun]],SEARCH(",",[@[Full Proper name]],i) -i)

Now you lot can see a beginning name before each of the concluding names. However, some of the names are too brusque (cell B6) and some are too long (cells B3 and B4)

last name in cell

Find Length of First Proper noun

To calculate the length of the first name, nosotros can

  • calculate the length of the full name
  • find the comma position
  • add one to that position, for the infinite character
  • decrease the space character position from the length of the total name

last name in cell

Here are the pieces for that part of the formula.

  • Use the LEN function to become the length of the full name: LEN([@[Full Name]])
  • We previously calculated where comma is located. SEARCH(",",[@[Full Proper noun]],ane)
  • For the space character position, add one to the comma position, and wrap with brackets, so this calculation is done before the corporeality is subtracted from the full length: ( SEARCH(",",[@[Full Proper name]],1) + 1)

Subtract the space character position from the length of the total name, to get the length of the first name:

LEN([@[Full Name]]) - ( SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],1) + 1)

Complete the Formula

In the existing RIGHT formula, nosotros'll replace the "4" placeholder

=RIGHT([@[Full Name]],4)

with the length adding formula

=Correct([@[Total Name]],LEN([@[Full Name]]) - (SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],1) + 1))

  • Press Enter, to complete the formula

The Completed Formula

Here is the completed formula, if the listing is in a named Excel tabular array -- first name & space & last name :

=Correct([@[Total Name]],LEN([@[Full Proper noun]]) - (SEARCH(",",[@[Total Name]],ane) + 1))
& " "
& LEFT([@[Full Name]],SEARCH(",",[@[Full Name]],1) -one)

If your listing is non in a named Excel table, your completed formula will have jail cell references, instead of field references.

=Right(A2,LEN(A2) - (SEARCH(",",A2,1) + 1))
& " "
& LEFT(A2,SEARCH(",",A2,ane) -1)

In the completed formula the kickoff name is now the right length, and is followed by a space character, and the last proper name.

first and last names reversed

Video Transcript - Long Formula

In this workbook, at that place's a list of names in a table. The names bear witness the last name, then a comma, and the offset name. Nosotros're going to utilize a formula to change the names, and so the first proper noun is showtime, and then a infinite, and then the last name.

To do that, we'll build a formula in column B and we'll accept a quick expect at it at present. It's going to go to the right side of the cell and get the first proper name and then put a infinite, and so go to the left side of the cell and get the final name.

Long Formula

Nosotros're going to break this downward into steps to see how this long formula works. The first affair we have to do is find where the comma is in the name. Here's Smith, Mary, and there'southward a infinite character here after the comma.

If we counted this, we could run into that the comma is the 6th graphic symbol in that prison cell and that comma is going to tell u.s.a. where the terminal name ends so we'll be able to effigy out where the first name begins.

Find the Comma

So our first step volition exist to use a formula to notice that comma. In this cell, I'm going to use a SEARCH function that volition allow me look for a specific graphic symbol in a string of text.

  • In this cell, I'one thousand going to type =SEARCH, and so an open up bracket.
  • The first argument is observe text, and then we'll have to specify what nosotros're looking for and put that inside double quotation marks.
  • We're looking for a comma, so I'll do double quote comma, double quote, and and so I'll put a comma.
  • The next statement is within text, we're looking for that comma in this text.
  • I'll click on the full proper name and and then a comma. And the place to start looking is at character i.
  • Put a endmost bracket and printing Enter.

And because we're in a table here, that formula fills down automatically.

If we await at the formula, it's using the field names as references. So instead of A2, nosotros're going to see the total name field hither.

If you lot're non using a table, you would just click on the cell and it would show A2. So that tells u.s.a. where the comma is.

Get the Last Name End

Our next pace volition be to use that number to go the last name. Nosotros know that the final proper noun ends just before the comma.

  • We tin put a minus ane at the end of the formula that we have and then far and that will requite united states the terminal graphic symbol in the final name.
  • Click in the formula bar and type minus one and printing enter.

Now, based on that comma location and subtracting 1 from it, we know the length of the last proper name.

Get the Last Name

From this we can use the LEFT role to pull that number of characters from the left of the cell.

  • So going dorsum to prison cell B2 I'm going to click merely after the equal sign and blazon LEFT open subclass.
  • We accept tell it where the text is that we desire to get the left characters from, so I'll click on the full proper name cell again and then a comma.
  • And we've already figured out the number of characters with our SEARCH formula hither. Then I'll click at the very cease and add a closing bracket and press enter.

And now we have the last name for each of these total names.

Add together a Infinite

The adjacent thing we're going to add together is a space. Just before this terminal proper name, we're going to get the first proper noun and we don't want it right abreast the last name, we desire a space betwixt them.

  • And so back to cell B2 and click but later on the equal sign.
  • To create a infinite character, I'm going to type, double quote space, double quote
  • To join things in a formula, we utilize the ampersand graphic symbol, so I'll type 1 here.

So now we'll have the space grapheme joined with the last name, when I press Enter. So there, we tin can come across a little infinite at the beginning of each of these cells.

Start the First Name

Now next we have to figure out how to become the first name. Nosotros're going to exist getting characters from the right side of the cell, just we're non sure how many.

  • So to starting time, I'one thousand going back to prison cell B2, and I'm going to click just later the equal sign
  • Considering we desire to pull characters from the correct side of this text string, we're going to use the RIGHT function.
  • Type RIGHT and and so an open up bracket.

Number of Characters

For the Correct office, again, just similar the LEFT, we have to tell it where the text is that we want to become the text from the right, so we'll click on the full name cell and so a comma

And nosotros take to know how many characters we want to pull to get that first name. So Mary has iv and 3 and 3 and 4 then a longer name here.

We're going to just for at present put in a place holder number.

  • We're going to figure out the exact number later, just I'g just going to type 4 which is the number of characters in Mary's name.
  • And then a endmost subclass.
  • Nosotros want to join that kickoff name with the infinite and the last proper noun.
  • We'll blazon some other ampersand and press enter.

Mary'south proper name looks correct. At that place's a space earlier the next two names. And then Beak is okay because his proper noun is 4 characters and Anne Marie's name just got chopped off.

Full Proper noun Length

So our next task will be to figure out how many characters each proper name is. We don't want to have to blazon that in our formula. We'll look at this breakdown of what's in that cell. So information technology'south Mary Smith and we've already figured out how to become that comma position.

And in this case, the first name ends, not at the comma, merely in that location's a space after so the name begins. We're going to accept to figure out how many characters are in that full name, including the comma and space. We know how to go that comma. And and so nosotros're going to add together one to that.

Then we'll take the length of the full name, subtract the position of the space character, and that will give us the number of characters in the commencement name.

  • And then I'm going to replace this 4, just highlight it and I'g going to type LEN, 50, e, n,
  • That will give usa the length of a text string, open bracket.
  • We want to get the length of the full names. Nosotros'll click on that cell, close the bracket and press enter.

And then that's this full name length that nosotros've calculated.

Comma Position

Now to get the position of the comma. We've done that previously. Nosotros'll take a wait and merely copy that part of our formula.

  • In our formula nosotros used SEARCH and I'm going to select all of that. That was the bit of formula we use to find the position of the comma.
  • I've highlighted information technology and I'll press Ctrl C to copy information technology.
  • I'g going to click merely later on the calculation for LEN. Information technology's going to be the length minus and we're going to have our comma position plus i.
  • And then open bracket, paste in the copied formula for SEARCH.
  • To that, we're going to add 1. And so plus ane, close the bracket. Now our beginning name is the total length minus the comma position plus 1.
  • Press Enter.

Now nosotros can see Mary, Lou, Sam, Bill, and Ann Marie. Starting time names all appear correctly.

For this formula, to make it easier to read, I'm going to put in some line breaks

  • I'grand going to find the spot where we start the space character.
  • I've clicked just in front of the ampersand here, press the Alt key and Enter
  • Then do the same for the last name.
  • Click here, Alt enter.
  • So now we tin see the commencement proper noun from the correct, a infinite character, and the last proper name from the left

And so press Enter, and in that location's our names reversed from last and starting time, now showing showtime and last.

Download the Sample File

Split or Reverse Names: Download the sample file for splitting and reversing full names. This workbook has the names for testing Text to Columns, Flash Fill up, and the short formula to opposite names. The zipped file is in xlsx format, and does non comprise macros.

Reverse Names - Long Formula: Download the sample file with long formula for reversing total names. The zipped file is in xlsx format, and does not contain macros.

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